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Planetario de Bogotá

Mundos Paralelos is a project that seeks to create content to be hosted on digital platforms to expand the mission of the Planetario de Bogotá around science, art and technology

Functions: creation of the general and specific content strategies, management and writing.

Mundos Paralelos is a project of the Planetario de Bogotá divided into strategies that seeks to deliver content to the public beyond face-to-face events. This includes video capsules, magazines, podcasts, book reviews and more. The idea is to broaden the scope of the planetarium's activities and mission, with the conversation between art, science and technology being paramount here. Mundos Paralelos takes into account the mission and vision of the institution and covers both the dissemination and education areas. 

Books about the Sky

Reviews of books halfway between literature and science. 



Great Stories for Little Geniuses Podcast

A podcast designed for children. A dynamic and short program to encourage curiosity about science from an early age.




A Universe of Stories Podcast

A science dissemination podcast that, from an interdisciplinary approach, allows the planetarium to address social phenomena that are part of our daily lives and that we can interrelate with science and culture.





Cometa Magazine

Cometa is a magazine that has been published for four editions and was born as an effort of planetariums and observatories in Colombia as a place to expose their work in the dissemination of science. Over time it has been transformed and seeks to position itself as a publication where art, space sciences and dissemination coexist.




Under the same sky

Video capsule of a report on what will happen or can be observed in the sky. With an emphasis on motivating citizens to astronomical observation.






Local astrophotography

Strategy to make visible the work of Colombian astrophotographers with the publication of striking photographs of the sky from local observation.






Compilation of astronomical ephemerides that includes the history of astronomy, relevant days, important people in astronomy and other sciences. It also includes the lunar calendar and celestial events. 







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